Curriculum Statement
Physical Education at BBAO aims to develop competence in our learners to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- To continue to develop the students fine and gross motor skills through a wide variety of sports. Then to continue to progress these skills into a practice and game situation gaining an understanding of the rules of the sport and investigate ways to outwit their opponent
LOs will be clearly displayed in PE long term planning taking into account the students SEMH targets
- This will be achieved through well planned lessons catering for each individual’s needs with specific LO’s suitable for the class’ ability, where they can build on their strength of knowledge and skills. To embed “flash backs” to the start of each lesson to recap previous learning. This will be shown through different sports which will enable each student to excel some aspect. Deploy staff effectively to support students ensure they are on task and progressing
- All students will acquire knowledge and skills that enable them to progress on to their next phase of education, employment or training. As well as this, all students will have high aspirations which is evident in the articulation of their knowledge and understanding and the work that they produce
All students, including the most disadvantaged, will make at least expected progress and continuously work towards age related targets in academic, EHCP and SEMH. The expected progress for each student is to progress by 4 sub-levels and for 80% of students to work at around one year below their actual age and 20% working at 2 years below their age